Monday, February 18, 2008

1st POST

Authored by RAJAH

Talk about English... & the Rules of Grammar...
I simply cannot understand & I really have not understood ever since I was a child why they pronounce "island" as EYE-land when it looks & feels like ICE-land!
Now, OBVIOUSLY the blog name is certainly & definitely NOT a COPY
of H.G. Wells's sci-fi novel "The Island of Dr. Moreau".
NO. This is purely speculative, simply hearsay... Talk about CHANCE...
NO, Rajah Kulambo is NOT Rajah Kolambu... Can't you spot the difference in mispelling?...
One belongs to HIStory while the other makes HISstory...
About "Dr. Moro"...
The only thing I know is that it is spelled differently from "Dr. MoroN" or "Dr. MoroSE"
Nobody is sure if Dr. Moro and Rajah Kulambo are two persons (robots?) or one and the same individual.
I've heard (again hearsay) that he (or she?) is NOT a DOCTOR and definitely NOT a RAJAH...
Maybe an albularyo (herbolario) or a quack doctor?...
By the way, have you ever heard of Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde?...
Let's just see what the BLOG is all about...
["BLOG"??? - from BiLOG?, BuLOG?, BetL_...]

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